
  • The Envoy’s Interlude is now available as an audiobook with most retailers; Amazon Audible, Nook Audiobooks, Apple, Google, and more!

    Now An Audiobook
  • NaNoWriMo is coming! With NaNoWriMo on the horizon, I thought it’d be interesting to hold a mini giveaway to help us prepare. While there are those that look forward to the write-a-thon that is November, I’ve cringed and shied away from it. I could never do it. No matter how many times I tried in…

  • It’s been a very busy past few months. Between work, work travel, and life in general, unfortunately my writing has fallen to the wayside. As things have settled I’ve gone back to finishing the next short story in The Envoy series. I have five short stories planned so far. They’ll all be released individually as…

  • “In writing, you must kill your darlings.” It is literary advice meaning a writer must let go of their self-indulgent, and often favorite passages, in their work for the sake of quality. It doesn’t matter how much a writer likes a particular scene, character, or dialogue. It must go in the name of consistency, prose, pace,…

  • Just a quick post announcing the wide availability and release (beyond Amazon) of The Envoy’s Interlude, my first short. It’s available in digital format at most online retailers. Also, I’ve been working on something new–experimenting with something called Booktrack. I’m looking for feedback. Check it out.  

  • Television, film, books–really all human entertainment has been a form of escapism. It’s what it comes down to. And we all knew this. It’s why we go to the movies, why we fall in love with television and romanticize to the point of wild fandom. We want that escape and the reason for that escape…

  • Do you know who you are? Do you know what has happened to you? The two questions seem rather inconsequential and irrelevant, without context. I mean, of course you know who you are. And of course you’d know what happened to you, right? Memory recall, unfortunately and as I’m sure we all know, isn’t reliable.…

  • For the past few months I’ve been working on a project–my first published work. When I set off to start this project, I knew from the very start that it would be something different. That is, different from the first/core pieces of work I intended to write. This debut piece is dark and perhaps not…

  • Happy 2014! As I hit a major milestone in my age, I start looking back on all the missed opportunities and hope that my future is better. With that, comes a desire to plan and really strive to keep to my goals. A part of me feels it’s too late, and yet another part of…

  • Shall I entertain bore you with my journey on getting my first novel out? I’ll spare you (and you can thank @JeffeKennedy for that). But, I do plan on writing down some of the random musings I ensnare myself with. So, let’s get the tasty bits out of the way and entice you with what…